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Located in the heart of South Florida in Broward County,

Beth T'Filah is a warm and welcoming congregation rooted in Torah and Yeshua where Jewish and Gentile believers are embraced, loved and partners in our community.



Beth T’Filah is a family centered Messianic Jewish community in which Jews and Gentiles worship together in the unity of Messiah Yeshua. We cultivate an environment of Yeshua centric covenantal fidelity in our Faith, our Families and our Fellowship.


Beth T'Filah is committed to the following objectives:


1. L’dor V’Dor: From generation to generation. To teach the faith of Yeshua Messiah to the next generation. Thus, Beth T’Filah’s primary objective is focused on the support and nurture of Messianic Families, especially our Jewish Families.


2. Tikun Olam: Repairing of the world. To proclaim the Gospel of the Good news of Messiah's coming kingdom to the entire world. To foster peace between our Jewish brothers and the believing community.


3. Tzedakah: Benevolence and Charity. To minister to the poor and suffering within our community and abroad. This is true religion.


4. Am Israel Chai: The People of Israel Live. To support the national state of Israel through gifts, benevolence, seminars, teachings, partnerships and in any way in which G-d makes available to so do.


5. Pirkei Avot: The Chapters of the Fathers. To the teaching and rediscovering of the common moral and ethical foundations of the Jewish Messianic and Christian traditions and how these distinct understandings are bridged through our common heritage.



Tel: 786-401-5459



Shabbat Services:

Saturdays 11:00am - 1:00pm

Address: 7790 La Salle Blvd, Miramar, FL 33023

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